
Everything you need to know about hair loss injection treatments

Hair loss injections treatment is where concentrated patient’s own platelets are retrieved and through injection implanted into the scalp to accelerate hair growth or reverse hair loss. Plasma is found in your blood and contains a form of protein that supports cell growth and faster healing i.e. follicles from which your hair grows. However, your own blood needs to have rich enough concentrations of platelets for the treatment to produce compelling results. You can get the blood tested for platelets as well as speak to a consultant about the health of your hair to check if the hair loss injections  treatment is right for you. 


How does the Hair loss injection treatment work?

Treatments are normally four to six weeks apart. To start seeing the result you may need to have had multiple sessions. Treatment sessions are to be 45 minutes long with most of the sessions being taken up with injection preparation i.e. taking a blood sample and extracting platelet-rich plasma. The quality of platelets can impact how well your plasma affects hair loss. 

If successful treatment can be completed anywhere from three to six months. In some cases, maintenance may be required. The results are most effective for those in the earlier stages of hair loss. 

Advantages of hair loss injection treatments

  • Hair loss injections are a natural treatment as the substance comes from your own body minimising any risk of a reaction. 
  • The Hair loss injection treatments are undetectable as the side effects tend to be minor bruising and redness for the first few days of the treatment meaning you can still continue with your everyday routines as normal. 
  • Compared to other hair treatments such as hair transplants, the hair loss injections treatment is not painful and there is no long recovery process. 
  • The hair loss injections address the root cause of the hair loss issue by stimulating inactive hair follicles to encourage the growth of your own hair giving you fully natural results. 
  • The treatment is pain-free and does not require you to adjust your lifestyle to receive the hair loss injection treatment.

What to expect after the hair loss injection treatment? 

In some cases, clients can experience hair shedding after their hair loss injection treatment. This is usually normal as it means the procedure is working. Hair shedding can be caused by the attack on weaker hair follicles. Once the hair falls out the new hair will start growing. In other cases, it is caused by the growth of the thicker hair which is pushing the weaker hair out.  

Once you have completed the recommended block of hair loss injection sessions, you can enjoy your hair growth for 18 to 24 months. After this, you may need to do a top-up session once every half a year.  (depending on results)

A healthy lifestyle rich in vitamin D and iron is also beneficial as these vitamins aid healthy hair.

What is the Hair loss injection treatment success rate?

The research to support the effectiveness of the hair loss injection treatment is not extensive. However, there have been a number of studies done that produced positive outcomes. 

Whilst there are common practices and recommendations, the stage of your hair loss, condition of the hair follicles, and general health of your hair will determine the length of treatment as well as the follow-up frequency. All of these factors are dependent on your individual circumstances and we recommend you book a consultation to find out more so you can make an informed decision on whether the hair loss injection hair treatment is for you. To book a consultation in one of our hair clinics please click here.

Mark’s Story with Regrow

Take a look at Mark’s hair journey with Regrow Hair Centre and what he had to say about hair loss injecitons  treatment.


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