Regrow your hair with our ACP PRF treatments

 An exciting new Break through in Non surgical Hair Loss treatments

Regrow Hair Centre are absolutely delighted and excited to be able to offer a brand new treatment to the table with ACP Arthrex’s PRF treatment

Platelet Rich Fibrogen commonly referred to as PRF is a biomaterial that can be used for tissue regeneration and growth stimulation and began its uses for healing joint and tissue injuries, and from there research was pushed into its benefits for hair restoration with extremely compelling results.

Regrow have teamed up with Arthrex, Arthrex is a global leader in PRP/PRF systems, and their products are used in a variety of fields, including orthopedics, dermatology, aesthetic medicine, Hair rejuvenation and plastic surgery.

What are the benefits of PRF

Effective results

Proven to be almost 3 times as strong as traditional PRP aimed at those with extensive hair loss who want results faster 

Minimal discomfort

Patients have noticed the PRF is even less painful than PRP due to not having a anticoagulant which can sometimes cause mild pain

No time off work needed

Here are no side effects and patients can go about their daily lives the minute they leave the clinic.

Arthrex ACP

Working with the global leaders in PRP and PRF systems you can be assured of a high quality top of the range system and consumables. View the Scientific Update 

More information about ACP

Effective results

Arthex’s revolutionary ACP® double-syringe system is a system that can quickly and safely prepare PRF from a small blood sample (typically 15ml). The ACP system doesn’t concentrate white blood cells, and it uses a slower centrifuge spin to keep platelets, growth factors, and fibrins intact – basically meaning that there is no need for a man made anticoagulant and yields up to 7ml of pure rich plasma.  This differs from traditional PRP where with the man made anticoagulant PRP is made up of PRP and PPP (platelet rich plasma and platelet poor plasma)

3 Times Stronger

The ACP Arthrex double syringe system has been tested and upholds the IMCAS GOLD criteria for high quality PRF systems and the gold consists of:

Gentle centrifugation prevents damage of the blood cells 

Optimal scientifically proven concentration of platelets 2.5-fold vs whole-blood

Low concentration of erythrocytes and leukocytes 

Does not contain separation gel, anticoagulants, anesthetics - 100% autologous 

So if you are looking for that next best treatment then PRF is for you – competitively priced and administered by PRP specialists who are fully trained by Arthrex

Call now to find out more information or you can book a free consultation by clicking the link below.

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