What is lichen planopilaris?

h4What is Lichen planopilaris4

Lichen planopilaris is a rare inflammatory condition that results in patchy progressive permanent hair loss mainly on the scalp.

Three forms are recognised:

Who gets lichen planopilaris and why?

  • Lichen planopilaris usually affects young adult women, although the age range is wide and it also affects men.
  • It commonly develops in association with lichen planus affecting the skin, mucosa and nails. The cause of lichen planopilaris is unknown.
  • Although lichen planopilaris is rare, it is one of the common causes of scarring hair loss of the scalp.

Clinical features of lichen planopilaris

  • Lichen planopilaris typically presents as smooth white patches of scalp hair loss.
  • No hair follicle openings can be seen in the areas of hair loss.
  • At the edges of these patches there may be scale and redness around each hair follicle.
  • Hairs can be easily pulled out.
  • Common sites of involvement are the sides, front and lower back of the scalp.

Symptoms may include:

  • Itch
  • Pain
  • Tenderness
  • Discomfort
  • Burning

Lichen planopilaris is usually slowly progressive

How is lichen planopilaris diagnosed?

Lichen planopilaris is suspected on the clinical presentation and careful examination of the mouth, nails and skin for evidence of lichen planus elsewhere.

Trichoscopy reveals absent follicles, white dots, tubular perifollicular scale and perifollicular erythema.

The diagnosis may be confirmed on a scalp biopsy that includes hairs with surrounding redness and scale at the edge of an area of hair loss. Lichen planopilaris is an example of a primary lymphocytic folliculitis.

However, it is not always possible to make a diagnosis on biopsy. Biopsy from an already scarred area of hair loss is unhelpful. Where there is only patchy scarring hair loss and no evidence of inflammation the diagnosis may not be able to be confirmed.

(Dr Delwyn Dyall-Smith FACD, Dermatologist)

Treatment of lichen planopilaris

Treatment should be sought and provided early as no treatment recovers hairs that have been lost and replaced by scarring. The aim of treatment is to slow progression of the disease and relieve symptoms. Hair loss may continue, although at a slower rate.

Response to treatment is variable and some published studies contradict others as to the efficacy. The best patients can expect is to stop progression of hair loss and to minimize scalp discomfort.

Lichen planopilaris (LPP) tends to be progressive, and the most effective treatments have response rates of only 10%.

Recently Low laser light therapy (LLLT) has shown potential effectiveness in scarring alopecia.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a promising new therapeutic treatment for people who have lichen planopilaris and may improve hair thickening in affected areas. Additional studies are warranted to elucidate the clinical benefit and optimal dosing strategies.

In conclusion, apart from LLLT, PRP is also effective in at least improving hair thickening which is a real cosmetic concern for patients.

(Jeffrey F. Scott)

For more information on hair Loss treatments please contact The Regrow Hair Centre on 0800 246 1606
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