Hair Loss

Hair Loss in Men

Hair Loss

Hair Loss in Women

Understanding Hair Loss

1 in 3 people in their lifetime suffer with a loss of hair so if you’re thinking why me? then you can be guaranteed that you are certainly not alone on this…

Hair loss can occur at any age and can be attributed to a whole host of different circumstances – it could relate to Genetics (if your parents are bald then there is a good chance you will be) Stress (one of the biggest factors for hair loss) Diet, health issue (diabetes, thyroid problem, Cancer, HIV etc) and if you are taking any strong medication this can also be a factor

Understanding why you are losing your hair is our no.1 paramount priority so at the Regrow Hair Centre we are very thorough in our investigation during consultation to get to the root of the problem before recommending treatments.

Your consultations are strictly private and your information is not shared, our consultants are trained and are excellent listeners and many can empathise with your situation as we employ people who have suffered from hair loss

If you would like to understand your hair loss then call us on 0800 246 1606 for your free consultation.


Alopecia – What is it?

Alopecia simply means ‘Hair Loss’ and unfortunately is used by doctors and online ‘specialists’ to make it sound a lot scarier and serious than it actually is.

There are various types of alopecia all with different meanings, reasons and factors. The most common form of alopecia is patterned baldness – which is mainly onset due to genetical reasons.

Other forms of alopecia can come from other elements such as stress, illness, psychological disorders and environmental reasons.

To understand alopecia is to look at it like a cocoon – when your body is ‘under attack’ by one of the above factors the body looks to protect the most valuable organs in the body (heart, lungs) and anything externally on the body can be seen as ‘not needed’.

A good example of this is when a person is in an accident (car crash for example) it is common for a person to lose all of their hair as the body protects internally first.

We are specialists at identifying different forms of alopecia and can give advice on the best solution for you – if you’re worried about your hair call us on 0800 246 1606 for a free consultation.

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